The Magic Of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient - meaning we don’t make it in our bodies and so must obtain it from our diet. It is crucial for a number of body processes, including the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters, development and repair of body tissues and growth. So it is imperative that we consume adequate amounts of Vitamin C on a daily basis. Let’s delve into just how awesome Vitamin C is below.
Vitamin C and Immunity
Vitamin C is known for its ability to boost the immune system, more so than any other vitamin. As a matter of fact, not getting enough vitamin C can make you more prone to illnesses. By eating foods rich in Vitamin C, you can boost your immunity and stay safe from a number of illnesses. Foods rich in vitamin C include bell peppers, tangerines, broccoli, kale, spinach, oranges, grapefruits, etc. We have to consume these foods daily, since our bodies do not store Vitamin C. The good news is that Vitamin C is easily found in a number of foods, however it might be more convenient to ensure optimum daily intake with a high quality vitamin C supplement. We particularly like Crafted Nutrients vitamin C due to it’s ease of swallow and quality ingredients.
Vitamin C is considered a critical micronutrient. It is necessary for our body’s defense system. It is an antioxidant, and so it fights free radicals in the body. This action allows it the effect of decreasing inflammation. It is known to also keep skin healthy, so that it can be more resilient and prevent toxic compounds from entering your bloodstream through the skin.
Studies show Vitamin C’s ability to decrease the length of cold symptoms. Thanks to its ability to enhance cytokine production, it can inhibit the death of cells. It also helps to support the production of antibodies, which are the killer undesireable cells in the body. It is also crucial in promoting absorbency through the membranes of the bacteria, so they can be more absorbent towards antibiotics.
While Vitamin C cannot prevent you from catching a cold, it can help to decrease the length of symptoms. Some studies show the decrease can be as much as by one and a half days for most people. And then there are other studies that do not report the same findings. When consuming high doses of Vitamin C, you do run the risk of side effects. As such, it is best to check with your doctor, dietician or nutritionist prior to making the decision to supplement with Vitamin C.
Vitamin C as an Antioxidant
Vitamin C is one of the more powerful antioxidants. It donates a hydrogen atom to stabilize free radicals and thereby stops their destructive activity. It works to decrease the oxidative damage within the body and thereby lowers our risk for some chronic diseases. Vitamin C does this by working as a scavenger, looking for reactive oxygen species also known as free radicals which cause damage to cells. Crafted Nutrients Vitamin C contains extra antioxidants in the form of Bioflavonoid complex and Wild rose hips.
Vitamin C and its Involvement in Body Function
Your body needs vitamin C to form cartilage, blood vessels, muscle and the collagen in your bones. It is also essential to the healing process of the body on a whole. It is known for its ability to protect the cells as it fights against free radicals. Free radicals are thought to play a role in cancer, heart disease, and a number of other diseases. A vitamin C deficiency is likely in those who smoke or are exposed to secondhand smoking, those with gastrointestinal conditions, those with certain types of cancer, and those whose diet only has limited amounts of fruits and vegetables. A severe vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy, which is characterized by bleeding gums, anemia, bruising and poor wound healing.
Vitamin C and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Can Vitamin C protect us from the COVID-19 virus? There has been a lot of hype on social media about the use of Vitamin C and its correlation with COVID-19. You may have also walked into your local pharmacy, only to find the Vitamin C sections of shelves completely empty. But what is the verdict?
Researchers and physicians are continually studying the effects of high doses of intravenous vitamin C on the coronavirus. There is evidence that persons who became critically ill while infected with COVID-19 had low levels of Vitamin C, and this is where the information stems from about the importance of Vitamin C for COVID and during the pandemic.
So what do we know or how does Vitamin C? We know for a fact that Vitamin C has the ability to boost the immune system. We know vitamin C affects our immunity in several ways, including by decreasing inflammation and increasing antioxidant activity. Vitamin C also keeps our skin healthy by boosting the body’s production of collagen, and helps the skin barrier to be more functional in keeping our harmful compounds and microorganisms like bacteria and viruses. It is also known to have the positive effect of promoting wound healing.
In studies against the common cold, Vitamin C was found to shorten the time you have cold symptoms. Not only does it help you to get over cold symptoms in less time, but it may also help you to have less severe cold symptoms.
Some animal studies indicate that high doses of intravenous vitamin C have the ability to decrease inflammation in the lungs caused by severe viral infections, such as H1N1 or Swine Flu. The doses tested were way above the recommended daily values, and there is not enough research to support the later. As a matter of fact, extremely high doses of Vitamin C are discouraged even when taken orally, as this can cause side effects such as diarrhea.
The Shanghai Medical Association endorses the use of high dose vitamin C as a treatment for persons hospitalized due to COVID-19. High doses recommended for delivery through IV show the ability to improve lung function enough to keep patients off ventilation or life support machines.
In addition to that, a review done in 2019 found that both oral and IV doses of Vitamin C help to treat people with critical illnesses in intensive care units. With these high doses of vitamin C, they saw a decrease of 8% in hospital stay lengths and the decrease in duration of mechanical ventilation by 18.2%.
Researchers in China have registered to run a clinical trial to study the efficacy of IV vitamin C in persons hospitalized with COVID-19. But at the time of writing this piece, Vitamin C was not a standard part of the COVID-19 treatment plan, as there isn’t solid evidence of its benefits.
Evidence of Vitamin C’s Benefits
There is some anecdotal evidence that vitamin C might lower the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. There is evidence that Vitamin C consumption can help to reduce a cold’s duration and/ or severity as previously mentioned. Oral Vitamin C supplements taken with other vitamins and minerals can help to prevent the worsening of age related macular degeneration. Some studies indicate that persons with high Vitamin C content in their diets are at a lower risk of developing cataracts.
Sources of Vitamin C
You can find vitamin C in a wide variety of foods and many supplements. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, green or red bell peppers, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kiwis, among other foods. Enjoy these foods raw to get vitamin C from them, as heating and storing these foods results in loss of vitamin C. One of the very notable benefits of Vitamin C to vegetarians is its ability to help absorb non-heme iron. This is the kind of iron we get from plants such as quinoa, spinach and beans. For this benefit to be maximized, you want to combine iron-rich foods and vitamin C rich foods at the same meal.
Do You Need to Supplement?
While there is no evidence that supplementing with Vitamin C can prevent you from being infected with COVID-19, Vitamin C may shorten cold durations and lessen their severity, There is no guarantee that this will be the same for Coronavirus. Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body, so excess vitamin C is eliminated in the urine. Regular vitamin C supplementation is an easy way to make sure we meet our daily requirements.
Choosing a Supplement
If you opt to take a Vitamin C supplement, you want to choose one with the correct dose, as well as one that is of high quality. Supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, but there are safety standards that need to be followed. Crafted Nutrients Vitamin C is made in california under stringent quality control standards using the very finest ingredients. It is Bioflavonoid and Wild rose hip boosted for an extra antioxidant kick.
You should consider the upper limit of a supplement when making your purchase. The upper limit is the average amount that can be taken without acquiring negative side effects. The upper limit for Vitamin C is 2,000 mg per day. Most Vitamin C supplements provide between 500mg to 1000mg per day. Read the packaging and take the supplement as directed to avoid any complications with your dosing. If you have any concerns regarding vitamin C supplements, consult a healthcare provider before purchasing and taking a supplement.
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